Alum Slate. 3*7 Geognostic Situation of Alum Slate* 4 ft occurs in beds and ftrata, which are fubordinatc t0 the neweft clay flate, and alfo in tranfition moun tains. It fometimes, although rarely, forms veins. Geographic Situation. ft occurs in Saxony, Bohemia, Hungary, France, Scotland, as in the valley of the lead hills, in the . '§h mountains in the neighbourhood of Moffat, and many other places among the great mafs of tranfi- j. 101 * rocks in the fouth of Scotland. Efmark ob- Ve d, at Felfobanya in Hungary, a vein of alum ate about two fathoms wide. Ufes. ^Alum earth, as already mentioned, by expofure ° the influence of the weather affords alum; but *P ec ies, before it yields alum muff be burnt. jp C J es a ^ um earth, alum ffone, and alum flate, other tls afford alum ; thus fome varieties of foflil coal is 6 P r0( luftive, and at Schonen in Sweden it prepared from a variety of bituminous (hale. Obfervaticns.