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CLAY GENUS. Gcognostic Situation. Occurs in veins and beds in floetz rocks, and pro bably alfo in alluvial land. Geographic Situation. It is found in beds in the coal works of Thuringia 5 in thofe of Potfchappel near Drefden ; in Derbylhire, it occurs in veins; in r I ripoli, (from whence it was firft brought and derived its name), where it all" 0 forms veins. It is faid to be alfo found in Rufta, Weftphalia, Flanders, Heflia, Bohemia, and Switzer land- Ufe. When reduced to powder, it is employed for V 0 ' lilhing metals, marbles, and other minerals. 11 fS alfo ufed for polifhing glafs. Ohftrvaiions. ■'a i. It was at one time believed to be a volcanic p duft, but the aflertiori is now fully difproved.