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£22 FLINT GENUS, THIRTY-FIRST SPECIES. Grofs Stcne. Kreutzftein.—Werner. Hyacinth blanche cruciforme, R. d. L. t. 2. p. apt)--— Stauiolite, Kirw. v. 1. p. 282. Efir.tr, b. 2. f. 499’ Emm• b. f. 209—Ercinite, Nap. p. 239.—Anc!reolith e ' Lam. t. 2. p. 285.— Harmotome, Hatty, t. 3. p. 19 1, Pierre Cruciforme, Brock, t. i- p. 311. External Char after s. Its colour is greyifh white. It occurs cryftallized. 1. In broad rectangular four-fided prifms, acu minated by four planes which are fet °° the lateral edges. 2. In twin cryftals, which are formed by tvV0 of the cryftals No. 1. interfering each other with their broader planes in fuch a manner that a common axis and acumination lS formed, and the broader lateral plan eS make four right angled re-entering angl eS * The cryftals are almoft always fmall, and agg re gated on one another ; furface fmootli or drufy- ^