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Zeolite. 217 they appear as equilateral fix-fided ta bles. The cryftals are fmall and middle-fized, and occur m drufes, and their furface is fmooth and fplendent. Internally its luftre is Ihining, which approaches to splendent, and is completely pearly. Fra&ure perfectly foliated, the folia a little curved, ^th a fimple cleavage : fometimes it is conchoidal. Occurs in large, coarfe, and fmall grained diftinft c oncretions, feldomin lamellar, a little curved diftinft concretions, nearly refembling ftraight lamellar heavy f par. The maflive is very ftrongly tranflucent, but the Cr yftals are femitranfparent, fometimes even tranfpar- e nt. Semi-hard. Eafily frangible. Intermediate between not particularly heavy and I'ght. Constituent Parts. 52,6 2 7.5 9>° 18,5 3.0 100,05th According to Meyer. According to Vauqudin. Silica 3 8 »3 Alumina 17,2 Lime 6,6 Water 27,5 I.ofs Ff FIFTH