C 187 ) TWENTY-SIXTH SPECIES* , . x . Heliotrope. * Heliotrop.—Werner. Jafpis variegata,heliotropius, Wall, t.i, p. 3x5—Heliotrop^ Wid. f. 316.—Heliotropimn, Kirnv- vol. 1. p. 314. E/lner t b. 2. f. 389. Id. Emm. b. 1. f. 171—Eliotropio, Nap. p. 153.—Jafpe fanguin, Lam■ t. 2- p. 166—L’Helio- trope, Brocb. t. 1. p. 276.—Quartz—agathe, verd ob- fcur & quartz—jafpe languin, Hauy. External Characters. > Its principal colour is intermediate between leek and dark feladon green, or mountain green, and is a 'ways deep. Some varieties pafs from leek green nearly into piftacio and olive green ; others are mark- e d with blood and fcarlet red, alfo with ochre yellow and yellowilh brown fpots of jafper. ^ It occurs maflive, in angular pieces, and rolled Pieces. Internal luftre is gliftening, and nearly refinous. I’rafture imperfe£tly large conchoidal. I’ r agments indeterminately angular and lliarp <%d. Bb 2 It