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Agate. / 183 produced by a tranfverfe, uot by a perpen dicular fection, as is the cafe with the zon ed agate. It is found in the manner of ilala&ite. 6. Clouded agate. The clouded markings are ^ not iharp, and the colours run into each other. Its mode of formation is probably the fame with the mofs agate. 7. Star agate and coral agate, are to be confidcrcd as intermediate kinds between zoned and fortification agate. 8. Pun&ated agate. In this, which is one of the moil beautiful fpecies, points of jafper hav ing various colours, as red, yellow, brown, &c. are diiperfed through a chalcedonic bafis. The red points in heliotrope are not eflential to it, therefore it does not be long to this fpecies. S* Petrefaftion agate. This is wood penetrated with feveral of the foffils that conilkute agate. to. Fragment agate. This beautiful variety is compofed of fragments of different kinds of agate or of chalcedony, carnelian, &c. cemented by a fine flinty bafis. Jafper agate. Jafper, which in this variety is the principal conftituent part, is intermixed with chalcedony. It has fometimes, alfo, filver interfperfed. Vormaeion