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hi ■ 01 SECOND KIND. ■ ■ , v f-, • . ; Thick fibrous Amethyft. ■ '■? Dickfafriger Amethyft.—Werner. External Characters. It has generally a pretty dark violet blue colour, when pale and light borders on pearl grey, from this latter palles into milk and yellowilh ' v hite. It occurs only maffive and in rolled pieces. . Internally its luftre is gliftening, palling into Ihin- S> and is vitreous. * l has a double frafture ; the principal fraaure is . " c k hbrous, and is ftraight, and fcopiformly diverg- th* ^ rous > aR ft it fometimes paffes into fplintery, fo at we may often confidtr it as intermediate be- i s '^ hbrous and fplintery ; the crofs fraaure imperfeaiy conchoidal, and fometimes interme diate between uneven and fplintery. W cd raSmems indeterminately angular, fometimes ^§ e -fliaped, fometimes fharp edged. Qd 1 ^ 6 . WS 3 < I^P°htion to coarfe and angular grain- ^'ftina concretions, and they are fo very inti mately