FLINT GENUS. TWENTY-FIRST SPECIES. Iron Flint. 01 r Eifenkiefel.—Werner. External Characters. ! Its colour is yellowilh brown, which borders ° n [ liver brown, and fometimes a colour which is in ter * 1 mediate betw r een blood red and brownifh red. j It occurs moft commonly maffive, but alfo cr) r ^' lized in fmall equiangular fix-fided prifms, which are acuminated on both extremities by three planes, are unconformably-wife fet on the alternate la tera planes. There are often fmaller planes between ^ three large planes of the acumination, and thus a I planed acumination is formed. The cryltals are implanted, and interfett one a n °' ther. Externally its luftre is fplendent, internally Hu 11 * 11 #' which fometimes verges on gliftening, and is i flt f^ mediate between vitreous and refinous, but more lil dined to the former. Fra&ure imperfe&ly fmall conchoidal, which* 1(1 ibme varieties approaches to uneven. Fragi" c ”