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Beryll. !.. u 7 011 the terminal edges), generally imbedded and fel- dom difengaged. Chryftals large and middle fized. Externally and internally its luftre is Aiming, ap- P r °aching to gliftening and is refinous. Crofs fra£lure imperfe&ly foliated ; the longitudi nal frafture fmall and imperfeftly conchoidal. fragments indeterminately angular. Compofed of parallel, thin, and ftraight prifmatic ^inft concretions, which are longitudinally {freak ed. More or lefs tranflucent. Bard in a middling degree, yielding to the file. brittle. Uncommonly eafily frangible. ^°t particularly heavy, approaching to heavy, specific gravity.—3,530, Klaproth.r-3,5 1 Hauy. Chemical Char after s. . ® e fore the blow pipe it is infufible without addi- > with borax it melts into a pure tranfparent glafs Consliiuent