Beryjli.. 2. Beryll feldora or never contains chrome, hence 11 does not Ihew the fine emerald green colour which c harafterifes ihe emerald. 3- It was well known to the ancients, who pro ofed it from feveral places where it is at prefent Wild. Pliny has given a good account of it, yet in fotter times his delcription appears to have been for- S°tten, for we find it arranged with other precious ft°nes, to which it had hut little refemblance ; thus fo e blue varieties were denominated lapphire, the S re en, aqua marine, and the yellow, topaz. About fifteen years ago, Werner obtained a complete fuite Specimens of this follil from Siberia, which enabled , Irn to frame the preceding description, and to fettle as a difiinft fpecies. C^2 SECOND