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io 6 FLINT GENUS. 3d, truncated on the terminal edges ; 4th, truncated on the terminal angles; 5th, terminal edges bevilled. When the truncations on the lateral edges increafej a twelve-fided prifrn is formed. Cryftals middle fized and fmall, very rarely large; always implanted, and in drufes. Lateral planes fmooth, terminal planes rough. Internally the Iuftre is intermediate between fiiining and fplendent, and is vitreous. Fra&ure Imall and imperfectly conchoidal, yet ft fometimes exhibits a concealed foliated fraCIure, haV' ing a fourfold cleavage, of which the folia are parah lei with the lateral and terminal planes, as is the cate with beryll. Fragments indeterminately angular, and more o r lefs Iharp edged. Alternates from tranfparent to tranflucent, and > s duplicating taanfparent. Hard, and little more than quartz, which ,£ fcratches with difficulty. Not particularly heavy. Specific gravity—2600, Werner 2,77c Brifso' 2,7227/02,7755.-^;. J Chemical Characters. Before the blow pipe it is difficultly fufible, ^ melts eafily with borax. Consul