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$6 FLINT GENUS. fifteenth species. Emery. Schmiergel.—Werner. External Characters. Its colour is intermediate between greyilh black ^ blueifh grey. t It occurs maffive and difieminated ; and the five is fometimes intermixed with other minerals- Its luftre is gliftening, paffing into glim me 1 ' 111 ®' and is adamantine. Fracture fine and fmall grained uneven; times even fplintery. v Fragments indeterminately angular, rather h edged - . . . A It fometimes fhews fine grained diftinft concre Is flightly tranflucent on the edges: 0, Hard in a high degree, fcarcely yielding to th e Not very eafily frangible. Heavy. Const' 11110