Corundum. 9* The luftre of the principal and crofs fra61 are is lining and gliftening, and is intermediate between Vl treous and refinous. The frafture is foliated, with a three-fold obliquely ltl terfe6ting cleavage, and the cleavages are parallel ^ ll h the plane3 of the rhomboid, or of the alternate an gles of the fix-fided prifm: crofs fra&ure is fmall ari d imperfectly conchoidal. fragments rhomboidal. ^ fhews a tendency to ftraight lamellar diltinft c °ncretions. ^ is duplicating tranflucent. Ilard in a high degree, yielding a little to the file*. Pretty eafily frangible. Not particularly heavy, approaching to heavy, specific gravity—3,710, Klaproth—3,873, Hatty.— Boumon. Constituent Parts.' Corundum of the Carnatic. Of Malabar, Silica 5>° 7.° Alumina 91,0 86, S Iron *>5 4,0 Lofs ».5 2,5 100 100 According to Chenevite. ^Cratches quartz. Hatty. N 2 Corundum