( 73 ) NINTH SPECIES* Pyrope. Pyrop.—Werner. ■Bohemian Garnet of many miner alogifts.—Precious Gar net of Karften. External Characters. Its colour is dark blood red, which, when held be tween the eye and the light falls ftrongly into yel low *. It occurs in fmall and middle fized roundifh and an gular grains, which are imbedded, but never cry stallized. Luftre fplendent and vitreous. Fracture perfeftly conchoidal. Fragments indeterminately angular and lharp edged. Completely tranfparent. Hard f. Pyrope and garnet, when cut and polifhed, are cafily diftin- g'ulhed^frem fpinelle and fapphire, by the dark tinge which their Co ours poflefs, Hauy, t. 2. p. 544. t Scratches quartz. Hauy. L Not