C 69 ) SECOND SUBSPECIES. Common Garnet. Gemeiner Granat. Brown and ereen are its mod common colours. * brown it occurs liver brown, yellowjfh brown, reddifh brown; and of green, blackilh green. _ r °m liver brown it paffes into olive, piftacio, black- and leek green, and from this even into nroun. * ain green: from yellowifh brown it paffes into ifa- flla yellow: from reddifh brown into a middle co- °Ur between hyacinth and blood red : from black ^ green into greenifh black. many fpecimens different colours occu toge- ^ er< It occurs mod commonly maffive, but never ln grains or angular pieces. This is characterise °f it. Sonretirftes crydallized, and poffeffes all the figures the precious garnet, with the exception of the Cr yftal, n 0< 4. They are always firnply aggregated, an <l form drufes. Seldom middle fized, commonly ^1, and very fmall. Surface of the crydals, and particularly the dode- Cac dron, diagonally dreaked, firming, and glidening. Internally