Leuzite. 59 Chemical Characters. ' Before the blowpipe it is infufible without addi- ll °n : with borax it forms a brownilh-tranfparent Stafs. According to Lampadius, when expofed to a ftreain of oxygen gas, it melts eafily into a ^hite tranfparent glafs.* Efinark affirms, that be- or e the blow pipe it is fufible without addition! : it ls probable, however, that his experiments were made 011 a variety of cubic zeolite. Conjiituent Parts. # different analvfis. 4 Silica 54 5 6 Alumina 24 20 Potafh 21 20 Lime 2 Lofs I 2 ICO 100 Klaproth. Vauqu •Lampadius SammL prakt. cbcm. Abliandl. b. 2. f. 62. t Ncwes bergmann. journ. 1798. b. 2. f. 21. Qcognostic