Leuzite. 57 Obfermtions. has been defcribed under various denominations, volcanic fchorl, chryfolite, hyacinth, and topaz : Berner gave it its prefent name and place in the tyfteni. SIXTH SPECIES. Leuzite. Leuzit.—Werner G re nat d’un blanc criftallin, et grenat dicolore. R. d. L. P- 330.—Grenat d’un blanc mat a 24 facettes. Born, l ' '• p. 436. Lewz.it. Wid, f. 292.—Vefuvian or white K^rnet, Kir. vol. 1. p. 285.—Leuzit. EJlner. b. 2. f. 188. Ibid. Emm. b. x. f. 348. Ibid. Lam. t. 2. p. 259. Id. ^ r °ch. t. 1, 188. Amphigtnt Hauy. t. 2. p. 559. External Cbaraflers. jts colours are yellowifh and greyifh white ; thefe, °ugh rarely, pafs into light alh grey, or yellowilh y > and it verv feldorn occurs reddiih white. I It