S4 • FLINT GENUS. fifth SPECIES. Vefuviane. Vefu vian.—Werner. Hyacinth du Vefuve, Rome de L. t. 2. p. 2 9 i.-_Vulcanif cher fchor), Wid. f. 2 9 o—Vefuvi an , F.Jlner. b. a. f 177- #.£«/». b. I. f. 342 ~Hyacinthine, Lam. t. *■ P- 3 2 3-~La Vefuvienne, ,Z?/oc7j. t. 1. p. x 8 4 —Idocr /foary. t. 2. p. J74 . External Characters. Its principal colour is dark olive green, whi^ ometimes pafles into blackifh green, fometimes t0 liver brown, and borders even on reddifli brown. I£ occurs alfo of a light olive green, which inclines to & green. It occurs maflive, often alfo cryftallized. Its erf iralhne figures are as follows: Reftangular four-fided prifm, pretty deeplv trun- cated on the terminal and lateral edges, and ^ edges of the truncation flightly truncated. Sometimes the truncations on the terminal edge* are fo large,^ that they become acuminating ones, ^ thus the prifm is flatly acuminated by four plan<-’ s ’ wl) ;C ^