Olivine. ^9> Geographic Situation, tt occurs Very abundantly in Bohemia; alfo in Hungary, Stiermark, Auftria, France, England, Ire land, Scotland, Sweden, Iceland, and Norway. Pieces the fize of a man’s head are found in the Habicht- -Walde and at Lichtenwalde. Obfervations. 1. Hauy unites this fpecies with the chryfolite, and names it peridot granuliforme. This arrangement cannot be admitted, becaufe olivine differs from chry solite or peridot in colour, in form, in frequency of cr yffallization, in having diffincl concretions, and pof- Scffing greater frangibility. * 2. The name olivine is derived from the olive green colour, which is chara&eriftic of it. 7 * H FOURTH t