Ouvinb. 47 Wh\ has an Jm P erfeai y fma11 conchoidal Mure, ^‘ ch paffes fometimes into the fplintery and uneven. ated f CryftallZed haS fometimcs an imperfectly foli- tiet- ra<aure ’ with a two-fold cleavage, and fuch va- ^es pofl- e f s the greateft tranfparency and luftre. e dged ra ^ mentS are i n ^ eter minately angular and (harp to fm 6 ], Iarg . er P ' eCeS aRd grains ftow a tendency 311 grained diltinft concretions. tran r m ^ tran ^ >aren which P a ffes into tranflucent and “‘parent. j Ver y ea fily frangible. a 3 i°w degree hard, g ot particularly heavy. P Cific gravity 3,225, Werner—3,265, Klaproth. Chemical Characters. ^^tioT thC bl ° W PIpe k ' S neaHy infufible wlth otit b lof es •! Wlth borax k meIts into a dark green bead. ' ‘ Ile iron 1 S u-° l0l ! r ! U n ‘ tr0US acid ’ the acid difiolving > which is its colouring ingredient. Constituent