44 ‘ FLINT GENUS. j Brittle. Eafily frangible. Not particularly heavy, approaching to heavy. Specific gravity—3,340, 3,4x0, Werner.—3,428, Hauy. Chemical Char after s. Before the blow pipe it is infufible without addi tion ; with borax it forms a tranfparent green glafs. Vauquelin, Conjlituent Parts. Cryftalized. Cut. Cryftalized. Silica 38,0 39 38 Magnefia 39,5 43,3 ^ Oxydofiron, 19,0 19,0 9,5 J-ofs 3,5 2,0 I'OO I0I jJ 100 Kl “prcth. Vauquelin- Gcognostic Situation Is not well known; Werner lufpefts that it occur* Imbedded.