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( 6 ) fsem to hive more conftituent parts of a different nature. Near lauterberg upon the Hartz are quartz veins, wide from one to three fathoms and upwards, confiding of a loofe fand, in which they find the copper ore in nefls. Page 60, after line 9 from the bottom, in the note, There are likewife quartz cryflals, in which drops of water are inclofed. The Imperial Cabinet at Vienna, and feveral Other cabinets, have fome fine pieces of this kind. After line laft, in the note, The triangular quartz pebbles of the Damfh ifle of Anhak, likewife defcrve to be mentioned. Borrichiu', in the Aa. Hafn. vol. IV. p. 177, has mentioned them : and they are flill found to this day. Page 61, after line 28, 7. When broken it is fcaly, generally unequal, and pracks into thin lamelke. Page 64, line 7, after Siberia, I have feen the Eye of the World (Ocnlus Mundi) in Sir Hans Sloane’s Colle&ion at Lon don-, but it was no bigger than half of a little pea. Its color was a whitilh grey j it was opaque, and had no polilh i the furface very fine and porous. It had no refleftion when dry ; but, being put into water, and lying there fome time, it got a kind of a glow, but not fo bright as that of a burning coal. I had, at that time, no opportu nity of judging of its hardnefs. Page 66, line 15, Rene, read Renat. Note to this word. He was taken prifoncr, 1714, by the Kalmucks, and remained with them till 1733, when he returned with an immepfe wealth, having taught the Kalmucks to melt iron-ore, to make gun powder, and to call cannon, and having been their leader in their wars again!! the Chinele. F.