[ 4i 1 This cruft was a ftlex, formed by the union of the acid of Spar with the watery fteams coming from the blowing-pipe, formed by breathing. g. By adding thefe cryftals to a folution of mercury, a precipitation was occafioned •, which was volatilized by heat. A folution of corrofive fublimate was not changed by the addition of thefe cryftals. h. When added to a folution of lead,* the lead was precipitated. i. A folution of fal ammoniac became turbid from the addition of thefe cryftals. k. When the cryftals were diftilled with fpirit of vitriol, a pure acid of Spar went over. The regenerated Spar (of c. d. e.) was de compounded, by the addition of a mild alkali. In this experiment, the acid of Spar was attrafbed by the alkali; and the fixed air of the alkali was attracted by the calcareous earth of the fpar, and formed a limeftone. With cauftic alkali no change was produced. SECTION VI. The Acid of Spar with abforbent Earth. 30. T I IE acid of Spar being added to limewater, no precipitation took place, till the liquor was fully faturated ; when a regenerated Spar was precipitated. Magnefta alba was diflolved by the acid of Spar; bur, upon ftanding for fome time, part of the magnefia was precipitated, and the remainder formed a gelatinous lubftance. With the earth of alum, a iweet folution was formed, which, by ftanding, turned into a ge latinous fubilance. SEC- I