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Siebentes ABONNEMENT-CONCERT JErster VheiL With verdure clad the fields appear, Delightful to the ravish’d sense; By Howers sweet and gay Enhanced is the charming sight. Here breathe their sweets the fragnant herbs Here shoots the healing plant By loads of fruit th’expanded boughs are pressed, To shady vaults are bent the tufty groves The mountains brow is crown’d with closed wood. — And God said: Leth the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit, aller his kind, whose seed is in itself upon the earth, and it was so. Militär-Symphonie von Jos. Haydn. Recitativ und Arie aus der Schöpfung v. J. Haydn, gesungen von Miss Birch. Fantasie über Motive aus Othello für die Violine von Ernst, vorgetragen von Herrn Joseph Joachim aus Wien. iin Saale des Gewandhauses zu Leipzig, Donnerstag, den 16. November 1843.