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\ 434 Second Appendix. In i 777, tr.e volcanic hypothefis mct with a formidable adverfary in the celebrated Bergman who, aftcr weighing with the greateft impar- laiity the arguments produced on either fiele ecided m favour cd its produftion in the moift way. Ilis objebtions to the volcanic orio-in' will prefentiy be ftated. ö In 1786,The Reverend Mr.Hamilron publifhed ^is very entcrtaining Leiters concerning the Whern_Coift of the County of AntrTm, in whten with great ability, yc-t with ibme hefira- non, ^he lupports the volcanic origin of the Giant s Caufeway, and other bafaltic columns of that ccunty, and endcavours to prove that they uere crjflallized by tranquil fufion and flow re- fi igeration, in the very focus of a volcano. T his cpmion, though liable, as we ihall loon fee, to mlupcrable difficulties, obviates many of thofe that occurred in former theories, and was, thereforc, readily embraccd on the continent. Baron Veltheim in particular, who liaci lono- be töre entertained the fume notion, publifhed an able defencc of it in _ After fo much had been publifhed on this fub- jtdl, the reafons adduccd by both parties ap- penred to balnnce each other fo nearly, that tnanv lufpedted that bafalts and traps might ori ginale in fome caks from fire, and in others from water : Ferber, and, finally alfo, Mr. Gcrhatd, dcclared in favour of this double origin. But it foimd irs firmefl fupport in Mr. Dolomieu. Jrlis opuv.on is, that bal'afts, exifting in the neigb- bourhood of adlual volcanos, and (what he iup- poies) extindt volcanos, were formed by the lud- den refrigcration of compadt Java, flowing either into tue lea, or cxifting in fome other circum- flatiees