21 6 Hrgillaceous Genus. hv a knif, ellar ’ f fibr ° US ’ 0r f P arr > r ’ ea % fcraped y kmfe, prefenting a greyilh ftreak or powder an an eaithy fmell while fcraping or powdcring • when heated they afTume a brownilhred colofr’ blartfl J 111 aftron S er heatthey melt into a black flagg, or compadt glafs. They do not ef- leiveice withacids, though pardally foluble by them jn a boihng heat. Tbeir fp. gr. from 2 8 to 3,2.” ° » This is almoft an exadl defcription of our rxUA U r 1S ’ he tdls US ’ ^ the Swedes called Hornberg and by the French Roche de Lerne, and by the Germans Hornfelstein. Gf this itone hc diftinguifhes four varieiies. rft That which is obfcurcly lamellar which he calls Ccrneus fohdus nttens dunor. ad That which is of a flatv IcTn H hl f 7 Ca ' ,S and i, what 3 call Hornblendeßate. 3 d 1 hat which is of a Jparry and flnated rexture, which he calls Horn-- b' ende, or Strahl fiimmer, or Shoüblende, Roche de Corneßrie. And 4 th That which breaks into cubes, or rhomboids, which he calls Corneus trapezius and Trap; } et he teils us, that when ro en in another diredtion it preients conchoidal j CeS ’- c e Vidently eonfounds horn- plends with traps. Mr. Sauflure, though well aware cf the double lenle of the term hornjione, yet relying on the an thority of Wallerius, and unwilling to multioly denommations, wifhed to reftrain its fienificatinn to the fpecieswe heredeferibe; but, in following Wallenus too implicitly, he unwarily comnre- nended flones under this name which are of a dif- fcnies t fn >eCleS V - 1 bUS ^ rCCk0nS am ° n g corneous fones fome which preknt no idea of cryflalliza-