( vl ) of thefe objefts has been ftill farther ex- tended ; precife lines of difcrimination have beeil traced even in the minuter iub-divi- lions of the fcience ; the grofs indications of the unaffifted fenfes, freed from their at- tendant fallacies, have been prefled into its fervice; the more refined Chemical tefts ftill farther perfedted have been rendered more conclufive; maay new fpecies brought to light; the catalogue of the clementary fub- ftances nearly complete'd ; and the great art of analyfis, extended far beyond its for- mer limits, now nearly reaches the precifiou of an algebraic formula. Having thus fummarily marked the pro- grefs of the art, I fhould confider it as an aCt of injuftice to fupprefs the illuftrious names to vvhom we are indebted for thefe acquirements; if in the former period a Scheele and a Bergman challenged our gra- titude and admiration, in the prefent, thefe fentiments are juflly due to a Klaproth and a Werner; to the former we owe the moffc accurate, lubtle, and refined analyfes; to the latter, the feleftion, depuratioo, and judicious application of the external charac- ters of foftils ; the former detefts the inter nal priticiples, the latter depidts the fub- ftances to which thofe principles belong; if the relearches of the former have in raa- nv cafes led bim to the difcovery of new and unlufpedted elements, thofe of the latter, by