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£28 TALC FAMILY. degrees of intensity, which passes into greenish-grey, and rarely into light olive-green. It is sometimes blood-red, particularly when it occurs in veins in serpentine. It occurs massive, and in small veins. Internally its lustre is shining and pearly, occasionally approaching to semi-metallic. 1 he fracture is parallel fibrous. The fragments are generally loose splintery. It is generally translucent on the edges. It is very soft. It is sec tile. It is intermediate between common and elastic flexible. It splits easily. Specific gravity, 2.444, Muschenhroclc. According to Bnsson it varies considerably in specific gravity: he ound the long silky amianthus to vary from 0.9088 to ' ’ b * fore k ,Md absorbed water; from 1.5662 to 2.5805, after it had absorbed water. Chemical Characters. Before the blowpipe, it phosphoresces, and melts with difficulty into a whitish or greenish slag. Constituent Parts. Asbestus of Swaitioick, Sweden. Silica, - _ 610 Carbonate of Magne sia, - - 17.g Alumina, - 2.7 Carbonate of Lime, 13.9 Barytes, Oiide of Iron, - 2.2 B'rpnann, Opusc. t. iv. Jiergmann, Id. Itergmann, Id. Chcncvi*- Gcognostic Asbestus of Asbestus of Tarentaise, Torias, in in Savoy. Spain. C-1.0 72.00 59.00 18.6 12.19 2.5.00 3.3 &03 3.00 6.9 10.05 9.05 6.0 1.* 2.02 2.25