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f LOA-TSTONP. ^20 9. Floatstone. Schwimmstein, Werner. Schwimmstein, Reuss, b. iv. s. 202. Id. Mohs, b. i. s. 443.— Quartz nectique, Lucas, p. 35.—Schwimmstein, Leonhard, Tabel. s. 22.—Quartz nectique, Brard, p. 98.—Schwimm stein, Karslen, Tabel. s. 24,-Quartz nectique, Hauy, Tabl. p. 27•—Schwimmstein, Steffens, b. i. s. l6G. Id. Lenz, b. 11. s. 56G. Id. Oken, b. i. s. 280. r External Characters. Its colours are yellowisli-white and yellowish-grey, with yellowish-brown spots. It occurs massive, and in tuberose masses, which are frequently vesicular, and often contain portions of flint. It is dull. The fracture is earthy. The fragments are blunt-angular. It is opaque. It is very soft, passing into friable. Feels meagre and rough. It is brittle, and very easily frangible. It absorbs water with an audible noise, and with the emission of numerous air-bubbles, and becomes trans lucent. Specific gravity, 0.448, harsten. 0.512, Tralles. P.797, Kopp. Chemical Character's, It is infusible before the blowpipe. Constituent