XI. CLAY FAMILY. This Family contains the following species; 1. Alu- oiinite; 2. Alum-stone; 3. Porcelain-Earth; 4. Com mon Clay; 5. Claystone ; C. Adhesive-Slate; 7. Polier- Slate ; 8. Tripoli; 9. Floatstone. I. Aliuninite. * Reine Thonerde, Werner. Heine Thonerde, Wid. s. 385. Id. JVern. Cronst. s. 176.— Native Argil, Kirtv. vol. i. p. 175.—Argilla pura, Nap. p. 246. ■—L'Aluminc pure, Broch. t. i. p. 318.—Eeine Thonerde, Beuss, b. ii. s. 102. Id. Lud. 1>. i. s. 104. Id. Suck. b. i. s- 471. Id. Bert. s. 277- Id. Molis, b. i. s. 434. Id. Leon- hard, Tabcl. s. 20 Arg’dc native, Brong. t. i. p. 515.— Aluminit, liaus. s. 85. Id. Karslen, Tabel. s. 48.—Alumine pure, Ilautf, Tabl. p. 58.—Alument, Steffens, b. i. s. 194. Id. Lenz, b. i. s. 541.—Verwittcrtcr Alaunstein, Oken, b. i. «■ 368. External Characters. Its colour,is snow-white, which verges on yellowish- white. It occurs in small reniform pieces. It has no lustre. ^ The fracture is fine earthy : its consistence is mterme- &ate between friable and solid. C 9 3 It