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CUBICITE. S2i Superimposed, and frequently forming druses, whereas leucite is always singly imbedded. 2. This mineral was formerly known as a subspecies of zeolite, under the name Cubic Zeolite; but Hauy ascer tained that it was a distinct species, to which he gave the name Analcime; that is to say, a body without power, because it is only feebly electricby rubbing. Werner, from its figure, names it Cubicite. 3. Count de Hournon observed, in some specimens from Hartfield Moss, a transition from Cubicite into Prehnite; 5. Chabasite. * Schabasit, Werner. Chabasie, Hauy, {. iii. p. 176- Id. Mohs, b. i. s. S80. Id. Lucas; P- 70. Id. Brong. t. i. p. 382. Id. Leonhard, Tube!.' s 16.— Chabasin, Karst. Tube!, s. SO. td. Ilaus. s. 95 —Chabasie, Lrard, p. 174, Id. Hauy, Tabl. p. 50.—Chabasin, Steffens, b. i. s. 399.—Schabasit, Hoff. b. ii. s. 257.—Chabasie, Lenz h- i. s. 468.—Rhombocderischcr Cubicit, Oken, b. i. s. 349. Exiernal Characters. Its colour is greyish-white, approaching to yellowish- white. It seldom occurs massive ; almost always crystallised, 111 the lorm of slightly oblique rhombs, which are, 1- Perfect, fig. 81 *. 2- Truncated on the six obtuse lateral edges. 3. Truncated 011 the six obtuse lateral edges, and on the six obtuse angles, fig. 82 ■(■. 4. In which each of the original planes of the rhomb is divided into two, fig. S3 J. Vol. I. ^ 4. In * Clmbasie primitive, Hauy. t Chabasie tri-rhomfxridnle, Hauy. * Chabasie disjointe, Haur,