ZEOLITE FAMILY, 3. Apophyllite. Fishaugenstein, Werner. Apophyllite, Hauy. Ichtliyophthalm, Karsten. Zeolith von Hallesta, Rieman, Vetensk. Acad. Handl. 1784.-r- Apophyllite, Lucas, p. 266. Id. Brard, p. 137. Id. Hauy, Tabl. p. 36. Id. Hausmann, in Weber Bcitrage, b. ii. s. 5y. Id. Steffens, b. i. s. 479.—Ichthyophthalm, Hoff. b. ii. s. 357- Id. Lenz, b. i. s. 528—Kalkzeolith, Oken, h. i. s, 354. External Characters. Its principal colour is greyish-white, which passes into greenish-white, seldom into yellowish or reddish white. The ends of the crystals are sometimes asparagus-green; and the same colour is to be observed in patches or spots throughout the crystals. The fracture-surface is strongly iridescent. It occurs massive, disseminated; and crystallised in the following figures: 1. Rectangular four-sided prism, which is sometimes so low as to appear tabular. This is the funda mental or primitive figure. 2. The preceding figure truncated on all the angles: when the truncating planes become so large that they touch each other, the terminal planes, in place of the octagonal figure, assume an oblique tour-sided form. Frequently only a few of the angles are truncated. 3. The rectangular four-sided prism, in which all the lateral edges are truncated, thus forming an eight