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FIBROUS FREHNITE. 295 Second Subspecies. Fibrous Prehnite. Fasriger Prehnit, Werner. . External Characters. Its colours are siskin-green, oil-green, asparagus-green, mountain green, and greenish-white. It occurs massive, renit'orm, and crystallised 111 acicu- lar, rectangular, four-sided prisms. Internally it is glistening, and the lustre is pearly. The fracture passes from delicate fibrous through coarse fibrous into narrow radiated ; and both kinds of fracture are straight and scopifonn, or stellulai. Tt breaks into angular and rather sharp-edged frag ments ; sometimes into splintery and wedge-shaped frag ments. , It occurs in large and coarse angulo-granular distinct concretions. It is translucent. It is hard, but not in a high degree; it scratches glass, , on d gives single sparks with steel. It is easily frangible ; and Ilather heavy, but in a middle degree. Specific gravity, 2.899, Hauy. 2.85G, Hoffmann. Chemical Character. llefore the blowpipedt melts into a vesicular enamel. Physical Character. It becomes electric by heating, -p . • Constituent