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t ( 2S0 ) • ■ - A VIII. ZEOLITE FAMILY. Tins Family contains the following Species: Prehnite, Zeolite, Apophyllite, Cubicite, Chabasite, Cross-stone, Laumonite, Dipyr, Natrolite, and Wavellite. 1. Prehnite. Prehnit, Went, Bergm. Journ. for 1790, b. i. s. 110. Id. Wid. s. 357. Id. Emm. b. i. s. 192.—Prenite, Nap. p. 235.—Preh- mte, Lam. t. ii. p. 311. Id. Brock, t. i. p. 295. Id. Ilauy> t. iii. p. 167. Id. Ilettss, b. ii. s. 428. Id. Lud. b. i. s. 87- Id. Suck. l r th. s. 414. Id. Bert. s. 182. Id. Moks, b. >• s. 358. Id. Lucas, p. 69. Id. Brong. t. i. p. 37b. Id. Huns- s. 95. Id. Brard, p. 171. Id. Leonhard, Tabel. s. 15. id-. Karslen, Tabel, s. 30. Id. Kidd, vol. i. p. 250. Id. IIu u P Tabl. p. 50. Id. Steffens, b. i. s. 382. Id. Hoff. b. r ii. s. 220- Id. Lenz, b. i. s. 414. Id. Oken, b. i. s. 356‘. This species is divided into two subspecies, viz. F°‘ liated Prehnite, and Fibrous Prehnite. First Subspecies. Foliated Prehnite. Blilttriger Prehnit, Werner. External Characters. The principal colour is apple-green, from which d passes on the one side into leek-green, moiintain-gree’ 1 ’ greenish-grey, and greenish-white, and on the other hd° grass-green, yellowish-grey, and yellowish-white-