264 QUARTZ FAMILY, It is hard in a low degree. It sometimes adheres slightly to the tongue, It is rather light. Chemical Character. Before the blowpipe it is affected in the same maimer as common jasper. Geognostic Situation. It occurs principally in layers, in agate-balls, in amyg daloid ; likewise in agate balls and veins in porphyry. Geographic Situation. It occurs in the agates of the middle district of Scot land, in Mid Lothian, West Lothian, and East Lothian; also in Saxony, Deuxponts, and Hungary. Observations. 1. It is distinguished from the other subspecies of Jas- per, by its colour-delineations, fracture, hardness, weight, and geognostic situation. 2. It was first accurately examined by Werner, and placed by him in the mineral system. Agate,