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AGATE-JASPER. 3. The Sinopel of some mineralogists is a variety of common jasper. Fifth Subspecies. Agate-Jasper. Agat-Jaspis, Werner. Brock, t. ii. p. 141.—Agath-Jaspis, Renss, b. ii. s. 316. Id. Lud. b. i. s. 95. Id. Mohs, b. i. s. 322. Id. Leonhard, .Tabel. s. 12. Id. Karst en, Tabel. s. 38. Id. Steffens, b. i. s. 187- Id. Hoff. b. ii. s. 175. Id. Lcnz, b. i. s. 422. Id. Oken, b. i. s. 298. External Characters. Its colours are yellowish-white and reddish-white; the ^ yellowish-white passes into cream and straw yellow, and approaches to ochre-yellow ; the reddish-white passes into flesh-red and pale blood-red. Several colours generally occur together, and these are arranged either in clouded, darned, or striped delineations; of these the striped are either disposed in a circular maimer, or fortification- wise. It occurs massive. Internally it is dull. The fracture is small and flat conchoidal, approaching to even. The fragments are angular, and rather sharp edged. It frequently occurs in distinct concretions, which are either fortification-wise bent, or concentric lamellai. It is generally opaque, or slightly translucent on the edges.