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BROWN EGYPTIAN JASPElt. Observation. It sometimes passes into Flint, but is distinguished from that mineral by its opacity, and inferior hardness. Second Kindi Brown Egyptian Jasper. Brauner egyptischer Jaspis, Werner. feilex TEgyptiacus, Wall. t. i. p. 276.—Egyptian Pebble, Kmiu vol. i. p. 312. Egyptishcr Jaspis, Emm. b. i. s. 234.—Caib lou d’Egyptc, La Melh. t. ii. p. 166—Lc Jaspc Egyptien, Brock, t. i. p. 332.—Egyptishcr Jaspis, lleuss, b. ii. s. 302. Id. Lttd. b. i. s. 93. Id. Such l 1 ' th. s. 353. Id. Bert. s. 227. Id. Moks, b. i. S. 314. Id. Leonhard, Tabel. s. 11.—Jaspc Egyptien, Brong. t. i. p. 325.—Egyptischer Jaspis, Karst. Tabel. s. 38.—Egyptian Jasper, Kid, Vol. i. p. 208.—Quartz- agatbe opaque, llauxj, Tabl. p. 27-—Brauner Kugel Jaspis, Steffens, b. i. s. 180.—Brauner egyptisher Jaspis, Iloffi b. ii. s. 164. Id. Lem, b. i. s. 414. External Characters. Its colours are chesnut-brown, yellowish-brown, isa- hella-yellow, and yellowish-grey. The yellowish-grey', or isabella-yellow, generally form the interior or centre °f the pebble; and the brown colours are disposed in concentric stripes, alternating with black stripes. In the lirown colour, there sometimes occur black spots, and si milar coloured dendritic delineations. It occurs in roundish blunt edged pieces, and in sphe roidal balls. 1 he surface is uneven or rough. Externally 4