COMMON AUGITE.' 51 2. The preceding figure, truncated on the acute late ral edges, forming an eight-sided prism. 3. N° 2. in which the four edges between the broader and smaller lateral planes are truncated, thus forming a twelve-sided prism *. 4. N° 1. flatly bevelled on the extremities, the be velling planes set obliquely on the acuter lateral edges, and the proper edge of the bevelment ob lique f, fig. 113. 5. The preceding figure, truncated on the acute late ral edges t, fig. 114. 6. The preceding figure, in which the proper edge of the bevelment is truncated ||. 7. N° 5. in which the acute angle of the bevelment is horizontally truncated by a slightly curved face §, fig. 115. 8. N° 5. in which the obtuse terminal edges of two and two opposite planes, that meet under acute angles, are truncated ^[, fig. 116. 9. Eight-sided prism, acuminated with four planes, which are set on the alternate lateral planes, and two of the acuminating edges truncated **. 10. The preceding figure, in which the apex of the acumination, and also the four planes on which the acumination are set, and all the edges which D 2 a re * Pyroxene equivalent, Annales du Museum, t. x. p. 13. fig. 3. 4 Pyroxene bis-unitairc, Ilauy. t Pyroxene tri-unitaire, Hauy II Pyroxene sexogonal, Hauy. I Pyroxene soustractif, Hauy. If Pyroxene dioctaedrc, Hauy. ** Pyroxene octoduodecimai, Hauy.