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50 CHRYSOLITE FAMILY, 11 ' First Subspecies. ^ Common Augite. Gemelner Augit, Steffens. Schorl des Volcans, Daubcnlon, Tabl. p. 11.—Augite, Estncr, b. ii. s. 129. Id. Emm. b. iii. s. 241.—Yolcanite, Lam. t. ii. p. 327.—L’Augite, Broch. t. i. p. 179- — Pyroxene, Hauy, t. iii. p. 80.—Augite, Rcuss, b. ii. s. 138. Id. Lud. b. i. s. 62. Id. Suck. l r th. s. 188. Id. Bert. s. 158. Id. Molts, b. i. s. 49.—Pyroxene, Lucas, p. 57-—Augit, Halt. s. 29. Id. Leonhard, Tabel. s. 2.—Pyroxene Augite, Brong. t. i. p. 447. Id. Brard, p. 148.—Augit, Karslcn, Tabel. s. 40. Id. Haus. s. 98-—Pyroxene, llauy, Tabl. p. 41.— Gemeincr Augit, Steffens, b. i. s. 340.—Augite, Iloff. b. i. s. 448. Id. Lenz, b. i. s. 208, 209.—Pyroxen, Oken, b. i. s. 335. External Characters. Its principal colour is blackish-green, which sometimes passes on the one hand into leek-green, olive-green, and liver-brown, on the other into greenish-black, and velvet - black. It occurs massive, in roundish grains; and crystallised in the following figures: 1. Unequiangular six-sided prism, in which the ter minal planes are set obliquely on the lateral planes *, fig. 112 f. 2. The * According to Hauy, tlie primitive form is an oblique rhomboidal prism, the alternate angles of which are 92° IB', and 87° 42\ + Pyroxene pcrihexaedre, Hauy.