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BRONZITE. 41 The fracture is foliated, with a very distinct single cleavage: the fracture-surface is streaked The fragments are blunt-edged. It occurs in distinct concretions, which are coarse gra nular. It is opaque in the mass, but translucent in thin folia. It affords a white-coloured streak. It is semi-hard. It is very brittle. It is very easily frangible. Specific gravity, 3.200, Klaproth. Chemical Characters. It is infusible before the blowpipe. Constituent Parts. Silica, - - 60.00 Magnesia, - - 27.50 Iron, - - . 10.50 Water, - 0.50 98.50 Klaproth, Beit. b. v. s. 34. Geognostic and Geographic Situations. Europe. It occurs in a syenitic rock in Glen Tilt ill Perthshire; and in large masses in beds of serpentine, near Kraubat in Upper Stiria. America.—In the island of Cuba. Observations. !• It differs from Smaragdite, with which it has been •on founded, not only in external characters, but also in diemical composition: Bronzite contains neither alumina nor