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40 HORNBLENDE FAMILY. tinct, and meets the other nearly at right angles,) uneveff cross fracture, greater softness and sectility, distinguish it from that mineral. It is distinguished from Green Felspar by its inferior hardness ; it scratches glass with difficulty, but felspar scratches it with ease * further by its fracture; in felspar, both cleavages are distinct, in diallage only one: from Hornblende, by its nearly rec tangular cleavage, and having but one perfect cleavage. 2. It was formerly considered by some as a felspar, by others as a schorl, or hornblende, or of the nature of emerald. Hauy remarks, that as the minerals with which this substance had been confounded, have at least two distinct cleavages, whereas it has but one, he chose for it a name which would recall this difference ■■ hence the origin of the name Diallage, which signifies difference. 7. Bronzitei Bronzit, Karslcn. Blattriger Anthophyllith, Werner. Bronzit, Leonhard, Tabel, s. 29.—Diallage nietalloide, Brong. L '• P- 443 -—Bronzit, Karst. Tabel. s. 40.—Diallage metal- Ioide, Hauy, Tabl. p. 47.—Bronzit, Steffens, b. i. s. 325. Id. Lenz, b. ii. s. 663. Id. Oken, b. i. s. 330. External Characters. Its colour is intermediate between yellowish-brown and pinchbeck-brown, sometimes approaching to brass- yellow. It occurs massive, and coarsely disseminated. Its- lustre is shining, and semi-metallic. Its