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424 APPENDIX. 1 Geographic Situation. It occurs at Friedrichswarn and Laurwig in Norway. Observations. 1. It appears to be nearly allied to Elaolite. 2. It was first described by Karsten, who gave it the name li/throdes, from n because, when fresh broken, it appears as if spotted with coagulated blood. 5. Rhaetizite. Ithatizit, Werner. External Characters. Its colours are cream-yellow, and brick-red. It occurs massive. It is glistening, and the lustre is pearly. The fracture is radiated, and is long and narrow, and cither parallel, scopiforni, or promiscuous. It is feebly translucent on the edges. It is soft. ,, It affords a white coloured streak. It is difficultly frangible. Specific gravity, 3.100. » Geographic Situation. It occurs at Pfizsch in the Tyrol. Observationt t