422 APPENDIX. 3. Fibrolite. Id. Bournon, Ph. Trans. 1802, p. 289. Id. Hautj. Id. Delam. Id. Karsten. Id. Lucas. External Characters. Its colours are white and grey. It occurs crystallised in rhomboidal prisms, the angles ef whose planes are 80° and 100°. Internally it is glistening. The principal fracture is fibrous, the cross fracture is uneven. It is harder than quartz. Specific gravity, 3.214. Constituent Parts. Alumina, - . _ 59^5 Silica, . . _ 380 q Iron, and loss, - . 3 75 100 Chenevix, Phil. Trans. 1802. p. 33$. Geographic Situation. It is found in the Carnatic. Observations. It was first described and named by Bournon. 4. Lythrodes.