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COLUMNAR GLANCE-COAL. 395 Third Subspecies. Columnar Glance-Coal, \ Stangenkohle, Voigt. Stangenkohle, Leonhard, Tabel. s. 50. Id. Karslen, Tabel. s. 5fb Id. Lena, b. ii. s. 1067- External Characters. Its colour is iron-black, and sometimes passing into steel-grey. It occasionally exhibits a tempered-steel tar nish. It occurs massive, and disseminated. The lustre is shining and semi-metallic. The fracture is more or less perfect, and small con- choidal. The fragments are sharp-edged. It occurs in prismatic concretions, which are some times straight, sometimes curved ; and vary in thickness from a few lines to upwards of an inch, and from an inch to four or five inches in length. It is opaque. It is soft. It is brittle, and easily frangible. It is light. Chemical Characters. It burns without flame or smoke. Geognostic and Geographic Situations. It forms a bed several feet thick, in the coal field of Sanquhar in Dumfriesshire; at Saltcoats in Ayrshire, it occurs,