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24 HORNBLENDE FAMILY. Second Subspecies. Common Tremolite. Gemeiner Tremolith, Werner. Gemeiner Tremolith, Eslner, b. ii. s. 901. Id. Emm. b. i. s. 426. —Grammatite, llauy, t.iii. p. 227 La Tremolitbe commune. Brock, t. i. p. 515.—Gemeiner Tremolith, Reuss, b. i. s. 1881 Id. Lud. b.i. s. 142. Id. Suck, lr tli. s. 274. Id. Bert. s. 164. Id. Molts, b. i. s. 590.—Grammatitc, Lucas, p. 77.—Tremo lith, Hab. s. 6l. Id. Leonhard, Tabel. s. 31.—Grammatitc, Brong. t. i. p. 475. Id. Brard, p. 188.—Gemeiner Tremo lith, Karstcn, Tabel. s. 44.—Gemeiner Grammatite, Hans. s. 97—Amphibole grammatite, llauy, Tabl. p. 40.—Gemei ner Tremolith, Slejfens, b. i. s. 291. Id. Lcnz, b. ii. s. 691- —Gemeiner Grammatite, Oken, b. i. s. 327. External Characters. Its colours are greyish, greenish, yellowish and reddish white ; of these the most frequent is the greyish-white ; also dark smoke-grey. It occurs massive; and crystallised in the following figures: 1. Very oblique four-sided prism, truncated on the acute lateral edges. 2. Same prism, truncated on the obtuse lateral edges. 3. Same prism, truncated on all the lateral edges. 4. Same prism, bevelled on the obtuse lateral edges. When these bevelling planes increase so much that the original ones disappear, there is formed An extremely oblique four-sided prism. 6. Very oblique four-sided prism, very flatly bevelled