ASBESTOUS TREMOLITE. S3 It is soft, approaching to very soft. It is rather sectile. Specific gravity, 2.683, Karsicn. Physical Characters. When struck gently, or rubbed in the dark, it emits a pale reddish coloured light; when pounded, and thrown on coals, a greenish coloured light. It phosphoresces more than any of the other subspecies. Chemical Characters. Before the blowpipe it melts into a white opaque mass. Gcosnostic Situation. It occurs most frequently in granular foliated lime stone, which is either primitive or transition, or in do lomite : sometimes in chlorite; and more rarely in flcetz- trap rocks. Geographic Situation. It occurs, along with actynolite, in Glenelg in Inver ness-shire ; in dolomite in Aberdeenshire and Icolmkill; and in basalt in the Castle Ilock of Edinburgh. In Nor way, it is an inmate of transition limestone ; in Bohemia, it is imbedded in limestone, along with calcareous-spar, slate-spar, brown-spar, fluor-spar, and quartz; at Dog- natska in Hungary, with galena, copper-pyrites, lron- pyrites, compact and foliated magnetic ironstone, and garnet; Switzerland in dolomite; in granular limestone, along with augite, on Mount Vesuvius. Second