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V1TCH-C0AL OR JET. 381 Uses. It is used as fuel, either in its natural state, or when converted into coaks. According to a report published in the “ Journal des Mines,™ twelve hundred men are em ployed in the district of Aude in France, in fabricating, with the pitcli-coal of that neighbourhood, rosaries, buttons, ear-rings, necklaces, bracelets, snufl-boxes, drinjking-ves- sels, &c. One thousand hundred weight are yearly ex pended for this purpose ; and, to Spain alone, the value of IS,000 livres is sold. In Prussia, the amber-diggers, who name it Black Amber, cut it into various ornamental articles. Observations. 1. It is the darkest coloured, and its conchoidal frac ture is the most perfect of any of the subspecies of coal. 2. According to Voigt, it is to be observed passing op the one side into glance-coul, and on the other into brown coal. 8. Its name is derived from its pitchy aspect. It was formerly known by the name Gagat or Jet, a name de rived from the river Gaga, or the city Gagas in Lesser Asia, where it was formerly dug. 4. It is named Black Amber by the Prussian ambeiv diggers, because it is found accompanying amber, and^ "hen rubbed, becomes faintly electric. 5. Several varieties of slaggy mineral pitch, and canoe! coal, are known by the name of Jet. Second