380 bituminous fa mi lt. It occurs massive, in plates, and sometimes in the shapB of branches, with a regular woody internal structure. Internally it is shining, sometimes splendent, and the lustre is resinous. The fracture is large and perfect conchoidal. The fragments are indeterminate angular and rather sharp-edged. It is soft. It affords a brown-coloured streak. It is rather brittle. It is easily frangible. It does not soil. It is light. Specific gravity, according to Wiedenman, 1.30S. Chemical Characters. It burns with a greenish flame, and a bituminous odoilr. Geognostic Situation. It occurs, along with brown coal, in beds in flcetz trap and limestone rocks; also in beds and in imbedded por tions in bituminous-shale. Geographic Situation. It occurs, along with slate-coal, in the coal fields of Scotland ; in bituminous-shale and slate-clay near Whit by. On the Continent, it is met with in the Meissner hill in Hessia ; at Irsenberg in Bavaria; in a bed of bi tuminous wood at Kunnerdorf in Bohemia; in a bed of loam above moor-coal, in the Saxon Erzgebirge ; in bi tuminous-shale in limestone in Stiria. Uses-