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22 HORNBLENDE FA’.lILy. First Subspecies. Asbestous Trcmolite. Asbestartiger Tremolith, Werner. \ Asbestartiger Tremolitli, Emm. b. i. s. 425. Id. Estner, b. ii. s. 893.—Grammatite, Ilauy, t. iii. p. 227-—La Tremolith asbestiforme, Brock, t. i. p. 514.—Asbestartiger Tremolitli, Rcuss, b. i. s. 136. Id. Lud. b. i. s. 142. Id. Suck, lr th. s. 272. Id. Bert. s. 166. Id. Mohs, b. i. s, 589. Id. Leon hard, Tabel. s. 31.—Grammatite, Brong. t. i. p. 475. Id. Lucas, p. 77- Id. Brard, p. 188.—Asbestartiger Tremolith, Karsten, Tabel. s. 44.—Amphibole blanc et soycux, Ilauy, Tabl. p. 41.—Asbestartiger Tremolith, Steffens, b. i. s. 290. Id. Lenz, b. i. s. 689-—Asbestartiger Grammatite, Oken, b. i. s. 327. External Characters. Its most common [colour is greyish-white ; it is found also yellowish-white, and greenish-white. It occurs massive. Internally it is shining, approaching to glistening, and is pearly *. The fracture is fibrous, and is either scopiform or stel lular fibrous. The fragments are wedge-shaped, or splintery. It occurs in distinct concretions, which are thick, wedge-shaped, and promiscuously aggregated. It is translucent on the edges. It is rather easily frangible. It * It has a lower lustre than any of the other subspecies.