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370 BITUMINOUS FAMILY. it is also met with in imbedded masses in limestone and sandstone, belonging to some of the coal formations. Geographic Situation. In England, at Bovey Tracey, near Exeter; at the mouth of the Ouse, in Sussex: in Scotland, in the flcetz-trap formation, accompanied with pitch-coal, in the island of Skye; in separate pieces in trap-tuff, in the island of Canna; in floetz limestone in the island of Skye; and in the coal formation in the counties of Fife and Mid Lothian. It occurs in considerable beds in the trap rocks of the island of Iceland. „On the Conti nent of Europe, it is met with both in Upper and Lower Saxony; also in Bohemia, Silesia, Moravia, Bavaria, Aus tria, Stiria, Transylvania, Russia, Poland, and France. Use. It is employed as fuel where great heats are not re quired. Observations. 1. In Iceland, where it occurs in great quantity, it is called Suturbrand. 2. It passes into Common Brown Coal, with which it is often confounded. Second